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Friday, March 14, 2008

Backblog: A Closer Look (Back) on the Softphone

What'dya know?!?...I've managed to get the hang of blogging (pats myself on the back..well, more like scratch really ;). I must admit, when I first started this, I didn't really think I'd managed to consistently write..uhm.."stuff" about VoIP and all...partly because...-especially because, I didnt really think it would matter and that (gasp!) somebody would actually take time to read this. Actually, until now I don't really know if anyone does...and well, I don't really care (well, not yet anyways) It's just something for me to do on Fridays...I know, a bit pathetic but at least it keeps me pre-occupied. I mean, writing about "work-related matters" which honestly, is still a long ways from paying off isn't all that fun. I sometimes think I should be writing about Soft-porn =) rather than Soft-phones! Hmmmm...I bet I'd get a lot more audience! ;-) But it's not always about getting a crowd but rather giving them information - as accurately as I can; not always about style but substance right?? Well, for those of you who kinda strayed here, let me give you a quick links flashback if you will (ok, its not quick :-)

  1. My first blog on the USB Softphone: Click Here

  2. More details about our USB Softphone: Click Here

Now to give you the rundown of why anyone would want to have a USB Softphone:

  • It's more mobile and handy. Better than carrying around an ATA (Analog Telephone Adapter) in your pocket (Unless you want bulging pockets! ;-)

  • Much easier to set-up/configure. Hey, it's Plug-and-Call so there is really nothing to set-up.

  • Gives some extra storage space for your files. Ok, it may not be much but at least you don't have to carry-around and look-up a separate phonebook, just click-and-call.

  • Online presence! + Webcam capable. Unlike, again, the ATA you can "view" (via the Phonebook) who is online...and if either of you have a webcam...then you can make a video call!

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