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Thursday, August 28, 2008

iCall's Customized Open SIP Softphone

Shown below are screenshots of iCall's Open SIP Softphone that is embedded in T2Free's USB dongles which was customized for Talk24 use several months ago.

Customization will be done by Astarte.com / T2Free.com while support services will be provided by iCall Anywhere Wi-Phil Corporation.

1 comment:

Jack Chrysler said...



Multiple lines explicit selection!
Dynamically loadable codecs
SIP Proxy authentication
Multi-party voice conference
Registrar support
Play wav files into conversation
Record conversation into file
Hold/Retrieve call
Forward Call (Blind Call Transfer)
Transfer Call (Attended Transfer)
Mute Sound
VPN support
Authorization Id
Noise reduction
Auto gain
Jitter buffer parameters
Samples on Delphi, C#, VB, VB.NET, C++ 2005, C++ 6.0, HTML (SIP ActiveX)
Windowless samples on C++ and .NET
Adaptive silence detection
Adaptive jitter buffer
STUN support
Comes as ActiveX control and as DLL only version
.Net COM wrapper version
Retrieving external IP addres from STUN server
IM interface
Codec disabling
Playback of different formats of WAV files
Software volume control
Caller-id and user-agent customization
SDP updates
Fax support
AuthID handling
IPv4/v6 support
Additional DNS servers
Manual network interface selection
Friendly to NAT and other firewalls
Narrowband, wideband voice codecs
Packet Loss Concealment
Network interface selection
Bluetooth implementation
Callcenter manager listening usecase implemented
Additional independent full featured RTP SDK
Royalty free licensing
No Yearly/Monthly fee
Free product updates/bug fixes/hot patches

Available codecs:
G.726 (16k 24k 32k 40k)
Speex (Narrow, Wide)
