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Friday, March 28, 2008

Protecting & Cleaning the USB and your PC continued...

I shall be continuing my earlier post on how to protect (or at least minimizing) the USB from getting "infected"....I guess the better, if not best way to show it is by using pictures (and more words):

Step 01: Install Anti-virus and malware software. My recommended are AVG and Avast! Coz they're not only easy to install, use and update but they're FREE! What's more is that I have been using them for years and they don't "clog up or slow down" the pc, unlike what I've experienced from"Enterprise" big-name anti-virus software like Norton or McAfee which can not only be a bit "tricky" to install but also update, not like AVG....Also, they're pretty easy to use. And yeah, did I mention they're free!

Download FREE AVG w/Anti-Spyware Here! & AVAST! Pro FREE trial (60 days) Here

Step 02: Update it! Now, unlike most apps that you install on your pc and kinda forget after awhile, most anti-virus applications need to be updated occassionally if not everyday (at least
once) to keep them "alert and active" and most of all, effective in fighting off viruses and other malware that crop up and "evolve" almost every day and attack your pc and anything that's attached to it (read, usb removeabl drive). Now, as far as I know, AVG and AVAST! usually do the updating at least once a day (or as scheduled) and very unobtrusively (you don't even know about it), whenever your pc is online (yes, you have to be connected to the Internet). However, it may be a good idea to be aware if it really does...or if it has fully updated itself with its anti-virus definitions. Think of it as "feeding" it like a Tamagotchi (if you don't its going to be sad sad day for you and your pc) Hmmm..now that I think about it, I wish they'd be more creative in getting pc users to do this updating.

Step 03: An ounce of Prevention is better than a pound of Cure. Disable the autoplay/autorun feature of Windows. As noted in this techpinoyblogspot,
The following virus/trojan/malware makes use of Windows autorun feature to infect PCs and flash drives:

The key solution here is to prevent the autorun from launching and to disable it on your pc. For a quick and simple fix, try downloading and installing the WinXP TweakUIPowertoy which gives a very user-friendly interface on how to go about doing it. However, as you may have read here, it may not always work, so for a more "complex" preventive solution try this:

1. Start Notepad [Start Menu-All Programs-Accessories-Notepad] or right-click any empty space in your desktop then select New-Text Document

2. Copy the following text. (note: Everything in between the square brackets should be in one line)REGEDIT4[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\IniFileMapping\Autorun.inf]@="@SYS:DoesNotExist"

3. Save the file with a name (anything) like DisableAutoRun.reg (The extension .reg is the important part)

4. Double Click your newly created registry file. Choose yes or continue to the warning that will appear.

courtesy of: http://www.edmartechguide.com/2007/11/prevent-autorun-viruses-from-infecting.html

Be careful as this change/adds entries to your registry, so be sure to back it up first. For a more lively discussion on this topic (although, this has been awhile), visit this Pinoyforum thread

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

USB [IN]Securities & Solutions

RUNDOWN: I’m posting my weekly blog earlier than usual coz I didn’t get to blog much last Good Friday and basically to address some “disturbing” if not annoying issue “continuously” raised by one of our clients (Albatel aka Talk24) regarding the “Virus/Trojan infection” of the USB Softphone (please note, they ordered 10 “customized” dongles from us). For the record, the dongles ARE NOT INHERENTLY infected by anything – virus, trojans or malwares or spywares or anything like that. I know, and am certain of this because I tested 2-3 sealed batches and all came out negative of any infection (not even a false positive) using AVAST, AVG Anti-Malware and Spyware scans. However, I do admit that the usb dongles ARE NOT IMMUNE from infection, they were not really meant to be immune in the first place (as its primary use is for connecting people, not fighting malwares) and perhaps, never will be (if it were, then we would be in the anti-virus business not in VoIP). The plain truth is most if not all remove-able media (usb, flashdrives, multimedia cards, cdrw, floppies etc) will one way or another get infected somewhere and at any given time (especially if it is used on different PCs which most of the time is connected to the internet).

RESOLUTION: Be that as it may, there are steps to take in order to minimize (if not prevent) further infection not only of remove-able drives, but also of the PC itself which you can summarize this 4 easy steps:

1. Install and run the latest Anti-virus/Malware/Spyware programs (at least 2 must be active)

2. Keep the Anti-virus/Malware/Spyware program updated (weekly or even daily)

3. Allow ONLY authorized or trusted people to use your PC and remove-able media

4. Withhold or disable the autorun.inf (auto-launch feature) on your PC, using this useful easy-to-use utility since most of the “infections” on most remove-able drives are triggered by this on Windows PCs.

REMOVAL: Now, you ask, what if my dongles are already infected in the first place….can it still be fixed or cured? (this is like asking if the Pope is Catholic) Of course, just run your anti-virus program(s), assuming its up-to-date. It will scan, identify and delete (if you chose to do so) the infection. Again, the IKAW outline above will work only if you (IKAW) will simply follow the steps. Notice that each step, save for the last perhaps, focus primarily on the PC - clean it first from any infection, before plugging anything again as it may just infect the remove-able media (this is like putting a fresh fruit in a rotten basket of fruits, eventually all will turn out rotten right?)

Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday

I was thinking of not putting up any blog today since its Good Friday...most probably be back by Easter Sunday.In the meantime, I'm sincerely praying for some sort of "Deliverance" soon not only for our souls but for our Softphones too! May you all have a Happy Easter! I wish somebody would invite me to go egg-hunting ;-)

Friday, March 14, 2008

Backblog: A Closer Look (Back) on the Softphone

What'dya know?!?...I've managed to get the hang of blogging (pats myself on the back..well, more like scratch really ;). I must admit, when I first started this, I didn't really think I'd managed to consistently write..uhm.."stuff" about VoIP and all...partly because...-especially because, I didnt really think it would matter and that (gasp!) somebody would actually take time to read this. Actually, until now I don't really know if anyone does...and well, I don't really care (well, not yet anyways) It's just something for me to do on Fridays...I know, a bit pathetic but at least it keeps me pre-occupied. I mean, writing about "work-related matters" which honestly, is still a long ways from paying off isn't all that fun. I sometimes think I should be writing about Soft-porn =) rather than Soft-phones! Hmmmm...I bet I'd get a lot more audience! ;-) But it's not always about getting a crowd but rather giving them information - as accurately as I can; not always about style but substance right?? Well, for those of you who kinda strayed here, let me give you a quick links flashback if you will (ok, its not quick :-)

  1. My first blog on the USB Softphone: Click Here

  2. More details about our USB Softphone: Click Here

Now to give you the rundown of why anyone would want to have a USB Softphone:

  • It's more mobile and handy. Better than carrying around an ATA (Analog Telephone Adapter) in your pocket (Unless you want bulging pockets! ;-)

  • Much easier to set-up/configure. Hey, it's Plug-and-Call so there is really nothing to set-up.

  • Gives some extra storage space for your files. Ok, it may not be much but at least you don't have to carry-around and look-up a separate phonebook, just click-and-call.

  • Online presence! + Webcam capable. Unlike, again, the ATA you can "view" (via the Phonebook) who is online...and if either of you have a webcam...then you can make a video call!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Features: Peering Forward @ the Future

I finally got (back) my new prescription glasses today and I'm seeing things in a different light...so to speak. Thanks to my sis, auntie and my "uncle". The former for the (s)lending? me the moolah$ for Transitions lenses and the latter for (finally) handing me down his "old" Titanium Oakley frames (after much begging and cajoling). Hey, the theme for me nowadays, it seems, is finding new ways to make the not-so-often-looked-at-or-examined stuff and fixing-or-upgrading-it-and-making-it-work-to-my-advantage. What might have been an already discarded or forgotten set of frames is now back on my head and making me not only look cool (ok slightly cool)...but more importantly, improved my eyesight (and dare I say "outlook")...I used to peer (scan closely) at the "woids" and the details become fuzzy. Now I'm not peering that much anymore (more than usual anyway), while I was trying to research on how to activate the different (like I said) oft-forgotten-features of VoIP (a segue is coming....Well, I did discover the world of "PEERING" (Ekiga.net wiki) in VoIP terms which I will discuss in detail below:

Peering closely: Peering is a feature or functionality in VoIP that allows one VoIP network provider to call/contact another VoIP network Provider simply by pre-fix dialing the correct "VoIP Provider SIP-Peer code". A very comprehensive, (well, at least imho) article is discussed on FWD site and how to locate the correct SIP Peer code can be found in the SIPBroker Whitepages (kinda like the phone directory for IP phones)

Movin Forward: Call Forwarding is, imho, another very essential yet oft-forgotten or taken-for-granted (at least where I'm from) feature of VoIP. What it does is basically, allow VoIP users to have their VoIP service forwarded to another VoIP service, and/or PSTN or Mobile service whenever they need to do so. Usually Call Forwarding is done according to these 3 user states or conditions (at least in most users' ATAs) : "When Busy", "No Answer" and "All Calls". That seems self-explanotry enough. Like I said, in each user state/condition, the calls can be forwarded or diverted to either another VoIP number or VoIP service provider, a PSTN (landline phone) or a Mobile Phone. For ATAs however, it has to be clarified that this feature is activated on the users' ATA units. In other words, the ATA (client endpoint) has to be "actively online" to forward the call. USB Softphones however, are another story, (at least in our version), the call forwarding service is really on the "server" side which means, it doesn't follow any of the states/conditions but rather, when the USB Softphone is unplugged, hence, offline, it automatically remembers to forward or divert all calls to a particular telephony service, whether it is a VoIP, PSTN or Mobile enpoint. Coupled with Peering services this is a very very useful feature to have!